Lietuva 9: Rooms and Restaurants

Lietuva 9: Rooms and Restaurants

As it turned out, all the rooms were good and Lithuanian food is just plain delicious. Choosing hotels, bed-and-breakfasts, gîtes/self-catering apartments is something of a crap shoot. You start with the essentials: parking and free Internet. You move on to the...

No Silence about the Lambs

This year we again bought a lamb at the Harford County Fair 4-H auction. Our freezer has been lambless for some months but the decision to bid was very last-minute. A call about a week after the event let us know the amount owed, that our lamb had been delivered to...

Blame the Today Show

Culinary experiments are rarely a good thing when guests will be sitting down to eat. Most of the time. This Thanksgiving I caught myself paying undue attention to recipes and cooking tips in the days leading up to the annual Day of Gratitude. It was not that I was...