Changing Lives 5: A Place For Everything

Changing Lives 5: A Place For Everything

I spent the night on brother Tim’s borrowed air mattress. Such a useful thing. Got cold though. Had just the one blanket and needed to fetch a pair of socks during the wee hours. Come morning I walked to the nearest Starbucks, over at the airport, for a latte and a...
Changing Lives 1: Out With The Old

Changing Lives 1: Out With The Old

No one asked me, but if they did, this is what I would say. “On your 50th birthday, stop collecting stuff. Immediately. Tell friends and family members that from here on in, you only want comestibles or donations made in your honor. No stuff. No tchotchkes. No...
Boston, Home Again

Boston, Home Again

The omens were mixed for this trip. I almost missed the exit to 895 as I was driving south on I-95. I headed to the bus stop at long-term parking at BWI, nearly forgetting my suitcase. The Southwest flight took off about 20 minutes after it was supposed to have landed...