January 22nd, 2021 | General, Matters of the Spirit, Memory, Politics
Donald John Trump scuttled off to Mar-a-Lago aboard Air Force One, nuclear codes in tow, some three hours before his term ended at noon EST on January 20, 2021. I watched Kamala Harris and Joe Biden sworn in as Vice-President and President of the United States of...
October 19th, 2020 | General, Memory, Politics, Popular Culture, Society at Large
As my Dear One and I strolled beneath blue October skies over gilded foliage, I asked if he thought Joe Biden would win the election. He said yes with a fair amount of confidence. I think Biden will prevail, myself. That is certainly my hope. A Democratic victory...
June 10th, 2020 | General, Memory, Politics, social media, Society at Large
The phrase “police brutality” has been part of my vocabulary since at least 1968. That is the year that the Democratic Presidential Convention faced immense political challenges inside the International Amphitheatre and protesters clashed with literally thousands of...
June 19th, 2019 | Family, Friends, General, Memory, Time Passes, Women
The Saturday of Reunion weekend marked fifty years to that June 14th when Emma Willard’s class of 1969 gathered in the greensward triangulated by the Chapel, the new Library and Weaver Science Building. It was hot and humid—we had worried that early morning...
January 7th, 2019 | Education, Europe, General, Memory, Travel, United States, visual arts
The painting on that wall in the Tisch Galleries at the Metropolitan Museum of Art would not let me move on. Only a couple of years ago, My Dear One and I had wandered the maze of discontinuous hallways and Escher-like stairs that constitute today’s Louvre Museum to...
December 5th, 2018 | Canada, Europe, Family, Friends, Genealogy, General, Holidays, Memory, Travel
We flew off to Montreal in October for some poutine, some art museum and a ride on the Grande Roue Ferris wheel, and came back to strange goings-on in the climate controls of the car. The Scion’s fan hadn’t been working well, clacking on low, squawking on high. Then...