December 12th, 2020 | Family, General, Health, Holidays, Politics, Society at Large
How is one supposed to really grasp the number of those infected and killed by COVID19? There have been 71,401,780 cases confirmed globally, as of December 12 and 1,600,807 deaths. In the United States, 15,939,022 have fallen ill and 296, 656 have died. These are...
December 4th, 2020 | Family, Gardens and Gardening, General, Holidays, Home Improvements, Society at Large, the world and Mother Nature, Time Passes
Is everyone still there? How to recount the year’s doings when we have done largely nothing? My favorite word–one of the three Oxford Languages chose for Word Of The Year–is “Blursday.” It perfectly describes the mush that time has become. Last year and...
October 19th, 2020 | General, Memory, Politics, Popular Culture, Society at Large
As my Dear One and I strolled beneath blue October skies over gilded foliage, I asked if he thought Joe Biden would win the election. He said yes with a fair amount of confidence. I think Biden will prevail, myself. That is certainly my hope. A Democratic victory...
September 27th, 2020 | Europe, General, Health, Society at Large, Travel, United States
As of 8:00 pm March 30, 2020, Governor Hogan’s “Stay At Home” order went into effect. This is a deadly public health crisis—we are no longer asking or suggesting that Marylanders stay home, we are directing them to do so. No Maryland resident should be leaving their...
August 14th, 2020 | Family, General, Politics, Society at Large
One of my favorite books when I was a child—one of my cherished books still—is a collection of stories by Hans Christian Andersen. “The Snow Queen: A Tale in Seven Stories” was one of the most ghoulish and frightening, and one of my favorites. A Fairy-Tale Pandemic A...
June 10th, 2020 | General, Memory, Politics, social media, Society at Large
The phrase “police brutality” has been part of my vocabulary since at least 1968. That is the year that the Democratic Presidential Convention faced immense political challenges inside the International Amphitheatre and protesters clashed with literally thousands of...